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This page introduces the different features included in this template repository, as well as where to find them and modify them if necessary.


This documentation is generated using Mkdocs, using Material for Mkdocs theme.

Check out Material for Mkdocs documentation, their documentation is complete and easy to follow.

Where to modify it ?

If you want to modify the documentation, modify the appropriate markdown files in docs/.

If you want to modify the configuration, take a look at mkdocs.yml.

If you want to modify the theme (advanced), go to docs/mkdocs/.

The documentation is versioned and published as a Github page with mike.

Check mike's documentation for more details on how to use it. For a very short summary :

  • mike deploy --push --update-aliases X.Y to push the current documentation version as X.Y version.
  • mike deploy --push --update-aliases X.Y name to push the current documentation version as X.Y version, and add an alias name.
  • mike retitle --push X.Y "title" to set the title of X.Y as title. For example, title can be the full version X.Y.Z.
  • mike set-default --push name to set the alias name as default.
  • mike delete --all --push to remove everything (careful with that !).
  • mike serve to serve the documentation locally (for debugging).

Code formatting & linters

To lint and check the format of the code, this template uses ruff.

Where to modify it ?

If you wish to not use one of these tools, you need to remove it from the pre-commit hooks and from the Github actions.


ruff is code linter and formatter, and replace the need for several tools, like isort, flake8, or black.

You can run ruff manually by running :

# Linter
ruff check . --fix

# Formatter
ruff format .

Where to modify it ?

You can modify the configuration of ruff in pyproject.toml. There are several sections, ruff uses all the sections starting with [tool.ruff].


Unit-tests are implemented with pytest.

You can run the unit-tests manually by running :


Where to modify it ?

You can add/remove tests in the python files in tests/.

If you wish to not run unit-tests, you need to remove it from the Github actions.

The tests also check the test coverage, with the pytest-cov plugin.

By default, the tests will fail if the test coverage is below 80%.

Where to modify it ?

You can change the pytest configuration in pyproject.toml. You can also change the coverage threshold in the same file.


The coverage badge is automatically updated whenever changes are pushed to the main branch.
Check Github actions for more details.

Pre-commit hooks

Several pre-commit hooks are used in this template repository :

  • Remove trailing whitespaces
  • Ensure files have an empty line at the end
  • Check the syntax of yaml files
  • Ensure no large files are added
  • Lint code with ruff
  • Format code with ruff

Where to modify it ?

You can modify the configuration for pre-commit hooks in the file .pre-commit-config.yaml.

Github actions

Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration (CI) is here to make sure that an open PR is "safe to merge", that is : make sure the code is well formatted, the unit-tests are passing, etc...

Two Github actions are used for CI : one for the code format, and one for the unit-tests. These actions are ran whenever a PR is opened.

Where to modify it ?

You can modify the Github action for code format in .github/workflows/lint.yaml.

You can modify the Github action for unit-tests in .github/workflows/pytest.yaml.

Continuous Deployment

Continuous Deployment (CD) is here to automatically deploying whatever needs to be deployed. It avoids manual labor.

Four Github actions are used for CD :

  • Running the tests and updating the coverage badge accordingly (ran whenever a commit is pushed in the main branch)
  • Deploying the latest documentation (ran whenever a commit is pushed in the main branch)
  • Deploying the documentation of stable versions (ran whenever a release is published)
  • Publishing the package to PyPi (ran whenever a release is published)

Where to modify it ?

You can modify the Github action for updating the coverage badge in .github/workflows/auto_coverage.yaml.

You can modify the Github action for latest documentation deployment in .github/workflows/mike_dev.yaml.

You can modify the Github action for stable documentation deployment in .github/workflows/mike_stable.yaml.

You can modify the Github action for package publishing to PyPi in .github/workflows/auto_pypi.yaml.

Make sure to give write permissions to the Github token

The github actions .github/workflows/mike_dev.yaml and .github/workflows/mike_stable.yaml deploy the documentation in the branch gh-pages. In order to be able to push the changes, Github bot needs to have write permission to the repository.

Go to the settings of your repository, then in the tab Actions, find the section Workflow permissions and make sure to select "Read & write permissions".

If you don't select "Read & write permissions", the github actions publishing the documentation will fail with the following error :

error: failed to push branch gh-pages to origin: "remote: Permission denied to github-actions[bot]."


The github action .github/workflows/auto_coverage.yaml needs to have a repository secret GIST_ACCESS_TOKEN defined to work properly.

The github action .github/workflows/auto_pypi.yaml needs to have a repository secret PIPY_API_TOKEN defined to work properly.

See Usage for more details.


There is one more Github action, which takes care of labeling and closing any stale issue or PR.

Where to modify it ?

You can modify the Github action for stale issue/PR and its configuration in .github/workflows/stale.yaml.

Issues & PR Templates

This template repository uses a PR template. PR templates are useful to guide the format of new PR, making it easier to read and understand new PR.

Where to modify it ?

You can modify the PR template in the file .github/

The repository also defines several issue templates (for bugs, documentation issues, and features requests).

These templates guide users in formatting their issue, and automatically label new issues.

It's also useful to redirect users to the proper place to ask general questions (in the Discussion tab).

Where to modify it ?

You can modify each issue template in their appropriate file :

  • .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug.yaml for bugs
  • .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/doc.yaml for documentation issues
  • .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature.yaml for feature requests

You can also modify redirections in the configuration file .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml.


Dependabot is enabled in this template repository. It keeps your dependencies up-to-date.

Where to modify it ?

You can enable/disable it in the Settings tab of your Github repository (Security & analysis section).

You can modify the configuration in the file .github/dependabot.yml.