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Create your repository

The very first step is to create your own repository from this template repository. To do this, just click the button "Use this template" :

Use template

It will prompt you to create a new Github repository.

Add your content

Once your repository is created, you can just clone it and replace the dummy content with your content.

To be sure you don't forget to replace anything, here is an exhaustive list of steps to follow :


In, replace the name of the package, the version, the author and the author_email, the package description, and the package url.


You can keep the same README outline, but you must update the core content.

Make sure to search for any occurence of the string astariul/pytere and replace it with your own <user>/<repo>.

Make sure to search for any occurence of the string astariul and replace it with your own username.

Make sure to search for any occurence of the string pytere and replace it with the name of your package.


Don't forget to carefully read your README and edit each section with a content that fit your package !

Update the documentation

In the file mkdocs.yml, replace the site_name, repo_url, repo_name.

Of course you also need to update the content of the documentation. You can do this by updating the md files in the docs/ folder.

For the code reference (in docs/, make sure to change the name from pytere to the name of your package.


The documentation will be published in Github page after you create a Github release.

Change the package name

Make sure to replace the name of the folder pytere/, which contains the source code of the package, to the name of your package.

Also don't forget to remove the dummy code in pytere/ !

Update the configuration file

In the configuration file pyproject.toml, you should replace the name pytere with the name of your package.

Replace the tests

Rename the test file tests/ and replace its content with actual tests !

A few links to update in .github/ folder :

  • In .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug.yaml, replace pytere by the name of your package.
  • In .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml, replace astariul/pytere by your <user>/<repo>.
  • In .github/workflows/mike_dev.yaml, replace pytere by your package name.
  • In .github/workflows/mike_stable.yaml, replace pytere by your package name.


Optionally, if there is some features you don't want (like the Github action that automatically release your code to PyPi), you can remove it !

Head over to the Features page to see which file to remove.

Enable Dependabot

From the Github website, on your repository page, you can enable Dependabot by going to the Settings tab of your repository, then in the Security & analysis section you can enable Dependabot alerts and Dependabot security updates.

Give write permissions to workflows

Go to the settings of your repository, then in the tab Actions, find the section Workflow permissions and make sure to select "Read & write permissions".

This is needed because the mike Github actions needs to push to the gh-pages branch to publish your documentation.

Add your PyPi API token

The Github action that automatically publish your package to PyPi (see Features) requires your PyPi API token.

You can store the API token in a Github secret.
To do this, go to the Settings tab of your Github repository, then go to the Secrets section, and click the button New repository secret.

Then set the name of the secret as PYPI_API_TOKEN, and put your API token in the value field.